Dzīve ir kā krelles. Diena pie dienas, veiksme pie neveiksmes, laime pie nelaimes, cerība un vilšanās, sapņi un realitāte. Tā saveras dzīvīte, pa pērlītei vien. Un katram lemtas tikai vienas krelles savērt. Bet pērļojot- katra jauna diena ir jaunas krelles un jauna dzīve. Vēl viena.
Hi, I really enjoy your blog and you are very talented at making all different kinds of jewelry, I must say! I came across your work on Beadsmagic and have to say I'm really impressed on how you correlate real objects and their color schemes into your pieces of jewelry. I would like to know, however, how is it you transfer a cross-stitch (sewing) graph into a peyote or brick beading stitch, as neither is linear (unlike the sewing one). Much help would be appreciated! Thanks again for SUCH a wonderful site! You should definitely look into Firemountaingem's catalogue monthly contests! You have a rare talent that I have never seen here in America before.
Hi, I really enjoy your blog and you are very talented at making all different kinds of jewelry, I must say! I came across your work on Beadsmagic and have to say I'm really impressed on how you correlate real objects and their color schemes into your pieces of jewelry. I would like to know, however, how is it you transfer a cross-stitch (sewing) graph into a peyote or brick beading stitch, as neither is linear (unlike the sewing one). Much help would be appreciated! Thanks again for SUCH a wonderful site! You should definitely look into Firemountaingem's catalogue monthly contests! You have a rare talent that I have never seen here in America before.
AtbildētDzēstThank you! Cross stitch scheme has drawn me. To convert about a peyote or brick beading stitch, they need to draw again on the grid.